Our Art Director Marcello Smarrelli will be the Round Table titled Corporate Collections in Italy: management, networking, prospects moderator.
Monday 16th October 2017 at 5 pm Piazza Venezia, 11 – Rome
Associazione Civita, Sala Gianfranco Imperatori

Gli spazi dell'Headquarters Elica di Fabriano dove sono esposte le opere che i dipendenti di Elica hanno realizzato insieme agli artisti durante le attività di E-STRAORDINARIO. Photo credit: Marco Tedeschi
Organized by AXA ART Italia, in collaboration with UNICATT and Intesa San Paolo, the conference represents an important moment for discussion about the importance of corporate collections, an increasingly interesting phenomenon for creating learning and innovation both in managerial and artistic contexts.
Nicola Maccanico, Vice President of CIVITA Association
Italo Carli, General Manager AXA ART
Chiara Paolino, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Laura Feliciotti, Intesa Sanpaolo Cultural Activity
Lucia Tremonte, Lungarotti Foundation
Daniela Brignone, Historical Archive and Peroni Beer Museum
Cristina Remains, Senior Art Expert AXA ART