Artist: Chiara Camoni
Edition: E-STRAORDINARIO for Kids – Special Edition
Curator: Marcello Smarrelli
Client: Confindustria Ancona, Fabriano Municipality
Number of participants: 763 kindergarten, first-grade and second-grade students of the three comprehensive schools of Fabriano
Age: 3 – 7 years
Place: Fabriano
Year: 2016 Special Edition
Place: Fabriano – Piazza del Comune and Bruno Molajoli Civic Art Gallery
Exhibits: Fabriano, Bruno Molajoli Civic Art Gallery, from 7 to 26 May; Forlì, Ipercorpo Festival 2016 from 26 to 29 May.
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Foto di Piazza del Comune durante la performance del 27 aprile 2016.
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Alcuni strumenti raggruppati a terra in Piazza dopo la performance del 27 aprile. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Foto di Piazza del Comune durante la performance del 27 aprile 2016. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Foto di Piazza del Comune durante la performance del 27 aprile 2016.
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Foto di Piazza del Comune durante la performance del 27 aprile 2016. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Alcuni strumenti raggruppati a terra in Piazza dopo la performance del 27 aprile. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Installation view, Pinacoteca Civica Bruno Malajoli, Fabriano. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Installation view, Pinacoteca Civica Bruno Malajoli, Fabriano. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Chiara Camoni, Il Grande Baccano. Ovvero 763 strumenti a percussione per 763 bambini, 2016. Installation view, Festival Ipercorpo 2016, Forlì. Foto: Camilla Maria Santini
Il Grande Baccano (Big Bang). Ovvero 763 strumenti per 763 bambini is the title of the project that artist Chiara Camoni designed for the kindergarten, first-grade and second-grade students of the three comprehensive schools of Fabriano, namely east-area comprehensive school Aldo Moro, comprehensive school Fernanda Imondi Romagnoli, and comprehensive school Marco Polo, for a total of 763 children.
The project was conceived within the framework of Eco Fantasy – I bambini e l’utilità del riciclo with the aim of enhancing the re-use of the industrial waste produced by the companies of the Fabriano area. The entire school year saw Chiara Camoni and the teachers guide the children in the creation of percussion instruments made exclusively with the scrap materials provided by the companies that participated in the initiative. Such instruments, which stimulated the creativity and fantasy of the younger children, came in different shapes and sizes, were coloured and upholstered creatively, and were played during a live performance held on 27th April 2016, when the young musicians gathered in Fabriano’s Piazza del Comune square and gave life to the Grande Baccano, a peculiar, powerful concert conducted by the artist. It was a metaphor of the possibility and hope the Fabriano area has to emerge from the crisis it is experiencing by culturally investing in younger generations.
The audio-visual recording of the performance, together with the instruments made by the children, gave life to an installation which was displayed at the Bruno Molajoli Civic Art Gallery of Fabriano.