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Pietro Ruffo, THE WISHFUL MAP #3, 2016

Title: The Wishful Map #3
Artist: Pietro Ruffo
Curator: Marcello Smarrelli
Trainer: Piero Tucci – M&D
Company: BCC Bellegra
Number of participants: 35
Place: Bellegra – San Francesco cloister
Year: 2016

The Wishful Map #3 is the title of the project conceived by artist Pietro Ruffo, who carried it out together with thirty-five employees of the Banca di Credito Cooperativo of Bellegra, including office workers and executives. The curator and the business trainer supervised the works during the two-day period at the San Francesco cloister in Bellegra (Rome).

The workshop saw the artist use a 10,000 lire bill dating back to the ‘50s that was preserved in the bank offices. Such bill was drawn upon and enlarged by the participants, who then turned into a map. The next phase saw the participants place different colour elements corresponding to projections, studies, forecasts and calculations taken from a hypothetical financing plan they had drawn up so as to develop a local farm. The bill was chosen by Ruffo for the symbolical value it has for the Bellegra BCC: the thirty-two founding members of the Bellegra Cassa Rurale did so by allocating 10,000 lire each, thereby enabling the creation of a modern bank which then became a driving force in the economies of the villages of the Valle del Sacco high valley.

The resulting piece was then placed in the San Vito Romano branch to represent the values shared by the Bellegra BCC employees.

The Wishful Map project was the result of the cooperation between artist Pietro Ruffo, trainer Piero Tucci, specialised in the training and development of human resources, and the Ermanno Casoli foundation. The aim was to create a series of concept maps able to represent the identity and values of companies through a shared work of art. The companies that participated in the project include: Angelini Acraf Spa (2015), Sole24Ore Business School (2015), Euler Hermes Italia of the Allianz group (2016).