Title: SHAPING THE WORLD – Plasmare il mondo
Edition: E-STRAORDINARIO for Kids #4
Artist: Vedovamazzei
Curator: Marcello Smarrelli
Company: Elica
Number of participants: 76 children whose parents are Elica employees
Age: 6-10 years
Place: Fabriano – Elica Headquarters
Year: 2016

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. L'artista Simeone Crispino del duo Vedovamazzei coordina i bambini nell'attività di progettazione dei camici da lavoro. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Alcuni momenti del laboratorio presso l'Headquarters Elica, Fabriano. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. L'artista Stella Scala del duo Vedovamazzei ascolta le idee progettuali dei bambini per guidarli nella realizzazione di sculture in argilla. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Progetto di camice su carta Fabriano. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Progetto di camice su carta Fabriano. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Dalla teoria alla partica: il progetto viene trasferito su stoffa secondo dimensioni e specificità del materiale utilizzato. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Alcuni momenti del laboratorio presso l'Headquarters Elica, Fabriano. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Le opere in argilla pronte per l'installazione finale. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Le opere in argilla pronte per l'installazione finale. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli

Vedovamazzei, Shaping the world-Plasmare il mondo, 2016. Installation View. Foto: Francesco Ciavaglioli
SHAPING THE WORLD – Plasmare il mondo is the title of the workshop designed by the Vedovamazzei duo (Stella Scala and Simeone Crispino), where seventy-six children aged between six and ten, namely the sons and daughters of Elica employees, were asked to rethink the factory where their parents work and turn it into an ideal space for creativity.
The workshop, which took place at the headquarters of Elica Fabriano, was divided into three phases: an initial one, where the young participants were explained the topics underlying the activities and how to use the material around which the day revolved, namely clay. The second phase saw the children design their ideal factory and the most suitable uniform for entering it. The work group was divided into couples that were given a white coat to decorate following the sketches made earlier under the supervision of artists.
Later, all the children were given a lump of clay to handle using their own fantasy. The resulting pieces were displayed on a large base so as to create a sculpture able to represent the ideal place for collective action, namely the working and living environment anyone can contribute to by using their hands and following their passions. It was a beautiful metaphor of how everyone’s contribution, when aimed at common good, can “shape the world”.
The opening ceremony of the exhibit, which took place at the end of the day, saw adults wear the coats made by their children, which were required to enter the ideal space represented by the large clay sculpture.