Title: Verdecuratoda…voi
Artist: Ettore Favini
Curator: Marcello Smarrelli
Event: Naturalmente festival – Terre del buon vivere
Location: Monsano – Parco del Santuario di Santa Maria
Year: 2008
Ettore Favini, Verdecuratoda...voi, 2008
Verdecuratoda…voi is the name that artist Ettore Favini gave to the installation that FEC commissioned to him; he answered with an artwork that was presented to the Naturalmente festival – Terre del buon vivere fourth edition. This event took place at Parco del Santuario di Santa Maria in Monsano, Ancona province back in 2008.
The festival main purpose was promoting the fair economy growth, by focusing on organic agriculture, renewable energy and responsible tourism related issues, through a series of permanent initiatives.
Verdecuratoda…voi, a particularly relevant installation for this context, is part of a wider project to build the biggest vegetable sculpture in the world, by identifying unused public spaces and redevelop them through arboreal essence tree planting. During the festival a vending machine prototype that dispensed seeds of easily cultivable plants was presented; everyone could collect and plant the seeds as long as they marked the point on a map hosted by the Website www.verdecuratoda.com. In this case, the total amount of seeds within the spheres that the machine dispenses would be sufficient to grow a lawn that could meet the oxygen daily need of a human being.
The project is still ongoing within Elica’s Headquarters in Fabriano, where the vending machine can be used, as well as in other places identifiable from the site www.verdecuratoda.com