The co / workshop at the Macro Museo D’Arte Contemporanea in Rome for building the future of artistic education, is organized by Cians (Coordination of non-state Afam institutions)and intends to represent a turning point in the programming of national artistic education. Tuesday, January the 29th, starting at 10am, at the Macro Museum of Rome in Via Nizza 138.

The comparison, opened by the institutional greetings of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities Professor Alberto Bonisoli, will focus not only on what currently the art, in the broadest sense of the term, is able to generate, but also on the designs and synergies that this sector is able to guarantee.
The 17 educational institutions Cians (Academy of Fine Arts “Aldo Galli” of Como, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Poliarte of Ancona, Academy of Fine Arts “GB Tiepolo” of Udine, Academy of Costume and Fashion of Rome, Italian Academy of Art, Fashion and Design of Florence, Accademy of Fine Arts, SantaGiulia of Brescia, IAAD – the Italian University of Design, IED – European Institute of Design of Milan, Istituto Marangoni of Milan, Istituto Modartech of Pontedera (PI), IUAD – Academy of Fashion in Naples, LABA – Free Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia, LABA – Free Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts in Rome, Sae Institute in Milan, Saint Louis College of Music of Rome) will bring to the discussion table the requests of a population of over twenty thousand users that includes first of all Italian and foreign students and to follow, teachers and employees.
The works, opened by the artistic director of Macro Asilo Giorgio de Finis, introduced by the president Cians arch. Fabio Mongelli and moderated by the philosopher Nicolas Martino, will be anticipated by the report of a representative of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, in view of the assembly of the States General Afam (High artistic and musical training) scheduled for next February. Following the reports of the lawyer. Anna Rita Fioroni, president of Confcommercio Professioni (Professional designer: skills and qualification of the changing market), of the arch. Dario Curatolo, member of the Adi Steering Committee (outline of the project, the Italian way), of dr. Marco Tortoioli Ricci, president of Aiap (The pedagogy of the project), of Dr. Sofia Gnoli, journalist and fashion expert (Marketing and fashion: the heritage and the brand), by dr. Marcello Smarrelli, Ermanno Casoli Foundation artistic director (Innovating the company with art), by dr. Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Exibart editorial director (New professional opportunities for those leaving the creativity factories). The conclusion will be preceded by a space dedicated to the contributions of Miur / Afam representatives and Cians Institutions.
In this particular occasion the official website Cians will be presented: