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7 April 2011
Forum Regionale della Cultura, 8-9 aprile 2011, Ancona

Ancona, Teatro delle Muse
8 – 9 April 2011

Friday 8 and Saturday 9 April at the Teatro delle Muse in Ancona, there will be the Forum Regionale della Cultura, entitled Cultura come risorsa come valore (Culture as resource and value), realized by the Regione Marche – Servizio Cultura Turismo Commercio e Attività promozionali. This will be an important occasion of exchange to evaluate new proposals for the world of culture, a crucial sector for the country and the regional community’s development.
Important personalities from the world of culture, entertainment, politics and economics will attend the forum. The activities will be divided into different sections, each addressing a specific area of interest: Cinema and Video production, Museums and Galleries, Archeological heritage, Literature and Publishing industry. Fondazione Ermanno Casoli will participate in the Contemporary Visual Art section, coordinated by Pippo Ciorra, professor at the Università di Camerino.

On Saturday Ciorra will present a concise summary of the experiences and the proposals that were discussed in March during a previous meeting of the participating institutions, in order to illustrate to the Regione Marche a number of ideas and new projects to develop. In this setting Fondazione Ermanno Casoli’s intervention will aim to foster and strengthen the exchanges between the world of contemporary art and the close net of companies that distinguishes the Marche, in order to create a regional network cooperating in the diffusion of cultural initiatives across the territory.

Friday 8 April, invited by Palermo’s Fine Art Academy, Fondazione Ermanno Casoli’s artistic director Marcello Smarrelli will hold a lesson for the students of the Fashion Design course, presenting the foundation’s activity for the setting up of collaborations between artists and industrial companies.

The Forum’s complete program is hereby attached.

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