Francesco Casoli, president of Elica Group and vice president of the foundation dedicated to Ermanno Casoli – his father and founder of Elica – has been invited to participate in the seminar entitled Imprese per la cultura in tempo di crisi [Business for culture during the crisis], taking place Friday 4 November in the Sala Verdi of the Teatro della Fortuna in Fano.
The seminar is organized by the Region Marche – Office for heritage and cultural activities, in collaboration with the Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, the Municipality of Fano and the Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna. The seminar intends to offer an occasion to reflect on the role that cultural production takes on in all the aspects of our economic system, especially in a critical phase like the one we are experiencing now.
The initiative is open to the major protagonists of the cultural scene, and to the companies working in the Marche, in order to open up a dialogue, and investigate and share projects and views.
During the seminar Francesco Casoli will illustrate the foundation’s activities and the results that these have led to in Elica, with particular attention to the E-STRAORDINARIO.
For information:
tel. 337.1024278