18 June 2018
Elena Mazzi is the winner of the seventeenth Ermanno Casoli Prize edition with the project Massage, message, mess age (Elica 2018) which starts with an open talk with the artist and her public to be held on Thursday, June 28th from 5.00 to 6.30 pm in Fabriano, at the Elica Headquarters Auditorium Hall, via Ermanno Casoli, 2.

Elena Mazzi, Mass age, message, mess age (Elica 2018), 2018. Studio per la XVII edizione del Premio Ermanno Casoli
The seventeenth Ermanno Casoli Prize edition winner is Elena Mazzi (Reggio Emilia, 1984), with her project Mass age, message, mess age (Elica 2018), which is part of a work-in-progress that the artist triggered in 2015, to highlight the dynamics underlying communication strategies. The project includes a workshop within the FEC activity E-STRAORDINARIO, which will be held with Elica employees in Fabriano, on June 28 th and 29th 2018, at the Company headquarters.
The artist aims at analyzing the ways in which communication among individuals belonging to the same community, inevitably understanding their language, changes when it is interrupted by possible distortions and / or problems.
In line with her research, Elena Mazzi, assisted by the specialized corporate trainer Diego Agostini, from Commitment consulting firm, on Friday, June 29th, is inviting 20 Elica employees to directly experience the interruptions and distractions in which a message may incur when it is conveyed by a sender to a recipient. The resulting work of art will be inaugurated in Autumn in the company headquarters of Fabriano, when the artist’s path relative to Mass age, message, mess age (Elica 2018) is finishing, after its beginning on Thursday, June the 28th, with the free entry talk in which Elena Mazzi will present her artistic experience through an open dialogue with the participants.
FROM 5.00 TO 6.30 pm
ELICA Auditorium