If, as John Ruskin claims, art happens when hand, head and heart work together, then let us state that Signora Gianna was a real artist.
She will be deeply missed.
Goodbye President!

Fondazione Ermanno Casoli (FEC) expresses its deepest grief for its own President and founder’s demise, Ms. Gianna Pieralisi Casoli.
FEC members and Elica employees liked calling her Signora Gianna. During her lifetime, which was scarred by her husband’s early passing, she turned her commitment and dedication to work into her distinctive features.
In 2007 she founded FEC, which since the very beginning has given insights and steps forward to foster projects that make contemporary art and the enterprise sector meet, by leveraging Ermanno’s strong spiritual legacy. In a very short time, it became a global reference for the topics it deals with.
During the years, thanks to her generosity, several artists have shared FEC’s values and participated in its countless initiatives.